Main Classes
2h on Saturday and 2h on Sunday
Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz
Du bist vertraut mit dem 8-Count und 6-Count Basic und kannst Basis-Figuren tanzen.
You know the 8-Count and 6-Count Basic and you are able to dance basic movements.
Intermediate - Advanced:
Du beherrschst den Swing-Out und kennst 8 und 6-Count-Figuren. Du traust dich Neugelerntes mit anderen Tänzer*innen auszuprobieren.
You master the Swing-Out and you know 8 and 6-count movements.
Du kennst so viele Figuren, dass du sie gar nicht mehr alle benennen kannst. Der Wechsel zwischen langsamer und schneller Musik fällt dir leicht. Improvisation gehört zu deinem Tanz.
You know so many movements, that you cannot name them all. The change between slow and fast music is easy for you. Improvisation is part of your dance.
2h on Saturday and 2h on Sunday
Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz
Du bist vertraut mit dem 8-Count und 6-Count Basic und kannst Basis-Figuren tanzen.
You know the 8-Count and 6-Count Basic and you are able to dance basic movements.
Intermediate - Advanced:
Du beherrschst den Swing-Out und kennst 8 und 6-Count-Figuren. Du traust dich Neugelerntes mit anderen Tänzer*innen auszuprobieren.
You master the Swing-Out and you know 8 and 6-count movements.
Du kennst so viele Figuren, dass du sie gar nicht mehr alle benennen kannst. Der Wechsel zwischen langsamer und schneller Musik fällt dir leicht. Improvisation gehört zu deinem Tanz.
You know so many movements, that you cannot name them all. The change between slow and fast music is easy for you. Improvisation is part of your dance.
Gettin' the Groove
Friday evening
All Level
As the name says. It will be all about getting into the groove of the festival, the dance and people.
You can book also both classes. The input will be different.
I: on Friday 18:30 - 19:30 Uhr: 1h of theme class
II: on Friday 19:45 - 20:45 Uhr: 1h of theme Class
Friday evening
All Level
As the name says. It will be all about getting into the groove of the festival, the dance and people.
You can book also both classes. The input will be different.
I: on Friday 18:30 - 19:30 Uhr: 1h of theme class
II: on Friday 19:45 - 20:45 Uhr: 1h of theme Class
Special Classes
On Saturday afternoon.
All Level!
1h of theme class!
You can only book one Special Class because they are at the same time.
You can only book the Special Classes if you book the Main Class Pass.
Bodymovement & Rhythm:
As the dance is a based on rhythms we will explore different ways to dance rhythms with our body. We will learn and explore together and see where it will lead us in our solo dancing.
We will learn and work with us on one or two classic aerial steps inside your couple.
You need to register for this class with a partner. Please bring comfy shoes! It looks like we will do the class outdoor on the gras.
How to work with old clips:
Looking back at old video clips and soundies of the jazz era is a great way to draw inspiration for your dancing. In this class, we will share with you methods on where to find old clips and how to break them down and analyze them. Whether it is Mabel Lee's hips, John Bubble's kicks or the essence and atmosphere of "Jammin' the Blues", the movement of the original dancers will be the starting point to experiment with new ideas and find your personal style.
On Saturday afternoon.
All Level!
1h of theme class!
You can only book one Special Class because they are at the same time.
You can only book the Special Classes if you book the Main Class Pass.
Bodymovement & Rhythm:
As the dance is a based on rhythms we will explore different ways to dance rhythms with our body. We will learn and explore together and see where it will lead us in our solo dancing.
We will learn and work with us on one or two classic aerial steps inside your couple.
You need to register for this class with a partner. Please bring comfy shoes! It looks like we will do the class outdoor on the gras.
How to work with old clips:
Looking back at old video clips and soundies of the jazz era is a great way to draw inspiration for your dancing. In this class, we will share with you methods on where to find old clips and how to break them down and analyze them. Whether it is Mabel Lee's hips, John Bubble's kicks or the essence and atmosphere of "Jammin' the Blues", the movement of the original dancers will be the starting point to experiment with new ideas and find your personal style.
Samstag, 20 - 21 Uhr: Taster für Tänzer*innen mit Vorkenntnissen:
(im Partyticket inklusive)
Swinging in Dialogue:
Die Teilnehmer*innen bekommen Tools an die Hand, wie sie ihren Tanz noch interaktiver und verbindungsintensiver gestalten können. Wir zeigen und üben Situationen, in denen der Follower den Lead übernimmt. Durch diese Übungen entsteht ein super schöner und achtsamer Tanz, in dem Leader mehr darauf hören, was die Follower sagen und die Follower sich trauen, sich noch mehr einzubringen.
Be there!
(im Partyticket inklusive)
Swinging in Dialogue:
Die Teilnehmer*innen bekommen Tools an die Hand, wie sie ihren Tanz noch interaktiver und verbindungsintensiver gestalten können. Wir zeigen und üben Situationen, in denen der Follower den Lead übernimmt. Durch diese Übungen entsteht ein super schöner und achtsamer Tanz, in dem Leader mehr darauf hören, was die Follower sagen und die Follower sich trauen, sich noch mehr einzubringen.
Be there!